October 2008

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alex's life book

  • In early 2006, I began creating a life book for my daughter, Alex. Click here for links to articles describing my experience.
  • And for those of you who are more digitally inclined, in late 2006, I recreated key pages of Alex's lifebook for an article I wrote for AlphaMom, using Scrapblog.

    You can see the final digital result (and leave comments, if you'd like!) here.

what's been on my nikon lately

  • And you can view my favourites here.

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I too loved reading your list of advice. Our laundry room is currently in the garage (downstairs) and it is the worst idea EVER. There were some really fun ideas.

What a GREAT idea to frame the picture. Girl Con Queso is a smart woman...


I totally agree. That's what I do, too. It works!


We already planned out our dream house... I figure we can afford to build just as soon as our 3 boys can contribute some money towards it! :)
Not that its big or extravagant... but babies are expensive!


My house was built in 1953. Those were the days when a pipe in from the street, and pipes inside the house, were charged by the foot for installation, and I think even for tax purposes. Indoor plumbing might have been considered a luxury.

My kitchen and bathroom are on the side of the house which faces the street.
The hot water tank is in the basement about 3 feet from the foundation wall, the washer is about 4 feet from there, and the laundry sink is between them.
The kitchen sink is one floor above the washer. The shower/bathtub is one floor above the water heater, on the backside (one wall between) of the kitchen.

The laundry chute was installed by my father-in-law because we got tired of carrying the hamper down the hall, through the kitchen, down the steps, and back across most of the length of the basement.
The bottom of the chute opens beside the furnace, but all I have to do is carry the basket about 10 steps on the same floor level.
I thought that handyman special was one of his most wonderful gifts.
Golly, I miss him.
Now if there were an elevator to get all the clean laundry back upstairs, folded and put away, 'twould be bliss.

Good Luck with your house. And definitely frame the napkin picture, and print out your post and helpful comments for a scrapbook. It could make your Open House quite the success of the neighborhood.


I didn't think of this when you first asked for ideas, but here's my dream-home idea.

I used to babysit for a family that built their own house (dad is a general contractor). They built 2 closets in each kid's room - that way the kids had 1 closet for toys, and 1 closet for clothes. PERFECT!

And on a totally minor note, I saw a FoodTV program where they had a shelf that went up and down on hydrolics to put your Kitchenaide Mixer on. *lust* I also lust for my mom's appliance garage and granite counters. But ah well.

Right now I'm happy that my hallway is done! maybe someday soon my girls will be sleeping in their own rooms again! yippeeee!


You mentioned about making a list for dreams to come true.

Well, I'm already further ahead than I thought possible. We own our house outright (small and out-of-date as it is) and last Spring, I walked across the stage after earning enough college credits for an Associate of Arts degree in Education.

I'm more busy writing lists about what needs to happen today.
We can call it Old Age, ADD, menopause, or just plain forgetfulness, but I have to make a list the night before I go to bed to remember what is supposed to happen tomorrow.
I tape a list to the dashboard of the car so I'll remember what errands to do on that side of town. I have to write down my brother's birthday, and note when to send the package so he will get it in time.

Any dreams about property will have to wait until we get the 2 younger sons through college without them needing to take out any student loans.


Writing things down works for me too. This post made me feel sad, because I've been so focused on the day to day reality of living with my son, thinking about his medical and developmental needs, and how that will affect where we live that I didn't even think it was possible for me to have what I want too. But now as I have time, I will write down a dream house for us all. Thank you.

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