October 2008

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alex's life book

  • In early 2006, I began creating a life book for my daughter, Alex. Click here for links to articles describing my experience.
  • And for those of you who are more digitally inclined, in late 2006, I recreated key pages of Alex's lifebook for an article I wrote for AlphaMom, using Scrapblog.

    You can see the final digital result (and leave comments, if you'd like!) here.

what's been on my nikon lately

  • And you can view my favourites here.

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I'm not jelous. Not jelous. NOT jelous. Not not not not not.

*Begins crying*

I want your life. Can I swap? Please?


I love, love, love that spot! Even though as a newly arrived student at UWI I had to run all the way up that hill as part of my "introduction" to hall life :)


I used to go to saghs, and my favourite thing to do when I got to school really early was to sit and watch the mountains... totally miss the little things once taken for granted. One time I saw a few parrots flying by the mountain, it was really amazing.


How beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to share your excursion. You really are a great photographer!


*Sigh* Beautiful indeed.

Thanks for brightening up my Monday!


Hi Karen,

I read your website every day and today, I almost started crying at my desk. The pictures are beautiful and I miss home more than ever.



Ahhhhhh MAN! That is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing - I can only imagine how much I'd miss that if it was my home like Joanna and Shaz. How could a person ever leave? No wonder you moved back! Reminds me a bit of Costa Rica, my 'adopted' home. I keep asking the hubs if we can't go on holiday to T&T and showing him your shots...I think he's softening.


Meepers.. yes, it is kinda sad... I didnt have a choice, my parents left after high school but, canada is lovely, (except for winter, which is NOT lovely... my kids love it tho, they are actually waiting for it to snow!) and when I think about going back, I think that the crime in trinidad is so bad that I know its not the same place that I left 11 years ago... and I did get a great hubby here in the North!


And I never thought I'd be jealous of a monk, but there you go...


We used to go up to the Mount for day retreats when I was in Providence. Oh, the memories. Have you tried their yogurt? It's divine - no pun intended. :) Thanks for sharing.


I'm so glad I found you last week! Your site is so beautiful.


Something about that bright green grasshopper really touches me. It's so cute!


Beautiful photos. I'm totally new here - have you told us what kind of camera you use? Or do you just have mad photo skillz, yo? :)


Hi, Aimee, welcome!

I shoot with two cameras -- a Nikon D100 and a Nikon D200. The ones in this post were shot with the Nikon D200.




Your pictures make me wonder why I live in Canada.

What was I thinking?


Of course, I'd have to view those pictures on a day when the view out of my windows is dreary, grey, and rainy. And humid (not the view, obviously).

Regarding your post about your dream house: I have no contributions, because I have no idea what needs to be in my dream house. Right now I'm just working on getting a semi-dream kitchen in the house I'm settling for. It's all so overwhelming!

W. Lotus

These photos are breathtaking. Maybe I'll visit the monastery the next time I am in Trinidad.

Abbey School Old past student

Mt ST Benedict is truly a historical landmark, The Abbey Old Boys and the public need to support The Monastery to maintain the facilities.
Visit. www.msbtunapuna/blogspot.com

Abbey School Old past student

Mt ST Benedict is truly a historical landmark, The Abbey Old Boys and the public need to support The Monastery to maintain the facilities.
Visit. www.msbtunapuna/blogspot.com

Abbey School Old past student

Mt ST Benedict is truly a historical landmark, The Abbey Old Boys and the public need to support The Monastery to maintain the facilities.
Visit. www.msbtunapuna/blogspot.com

old abbey boy

Sitting here in London in February these shots bring back all those menories of spending time on the mount as a border. it truly is a beautiful place

Neil Charles

MSB is really a beautiful and peaceful place,spent four years as a boarder also.

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