October 2008

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alex's life book

  • In early 2006, I began creating a life book for my daughter, Alex. Click here for links to articles describing my experience.
  • And for those of you who are more digitally inclined, in late 2006, I recreated key pages of Alex's lifebook for an article I wrote for AlphaMom, using Scrapblog.

    You can see the final digital result (and leave comments, if you'd like!) here.

what's been on my nikon lately

  • And you can view my favourites here.

if i'm not here, i'm here

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Have a fantastic trip! I hope you have lots of time to relax and enjoy your family.


sometimes distance offers the best perspective. many warm wishes for a great weekend. remember: your gifts will exceed your trials.


Beck's Mommy

Relax, refresh and enjoy!


What am I going to do for three days?!!!!! How will I make it without your witty blogs?!!! *sigh* hehe Have fun. You deserve a little vacate from the laptop.


I have to confess...maybe it is my jetlagging state of mind.... but when I saw the picture of Alexis' beach bucket, I was sure I was looking at an ice-cold bucket of tangerine magarita and started to salivate. The brain can really play games with one's eyes. I thoughr for a moment that you had surpassed me in the cocktail mixing arena! Have a great trip. I am off to mix me a magarita. The least I could do to celebrate my return from last week in Bangkok! :-)


All I want to do to have a great weekend is to be in that sand from your photo. Just wallow in it. Let it wash over me. Stick my toes deep into it.

Can I come over?

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