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alex's life book

  • In early 2006, I began creating a life book for my daughter, Alex. Click here for links to articles describing my experience.
  • And for those of you who are more digitally inclined, in late 2006, I recreated key pages of Alex's lifebook for an article I wrote for AlphaMom, using Scrapblog.

    You can see the final digital result (and leave comments, if you'd like!) here.

what's been on my nikon lately

  • And you can view my favourites here.

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Here here! I was thinking the other day about how it's so acceptable to rant and rage about what's so wrong with your life, to talk about how you're so bad at this or that (I'm a terrible singer, I'm a lousy cook, I can't spell, etc), but if you comment on how good things are in your life or comment that you are actually blessed enough to be good at a particular thing it's immediately construed as bragging or conceit. Why?

Misery loves company, and that's all there is to it. But beauty is what keeps us all going, so keep sharing it.


Hi Karen!
Phew! I'm finally here! It's been about 2 weeks now since reading your very first post until just now. I couldn't WAIT to get here...but I thoroughly enjoyed the journey! I am now in love with your family - especially Alex. I feel like I KNOW her. Anyway, I wondered "what post will I end up on when I'm all done and ready to comment?" and it's funny that it is this one. I didn't want to introduce myself and have NOTHING to say about your entry! :-) And I DO have something to say about this one! It's funny because the way you make sure to remember all of the "good/wonderful" things in your life and the way you started "minute by minute" actually HELPED me in my life! Nobody's life is perfect, but if we don't make an effort to see all the best and make our days wonderful - then what kind of life would that be? I have gotten great JOY out of reading your blog and getting to know you and your wonderful family. Thank you SO much.



I agree! It is so refreshing to read a blog that doesn't leave you depressed. I come back daily to see what other beautiful image you have to share. Keep it up!


"because I hope that occasionally it brings a smile to the faces of people who come across it, and helps remind them that despite whatever's going on in their own lives, if they look hard enough, they will be able to find good and beauty around them as well, however small"

You totally succeed as far as I'm concerned. I look to your blog for just that reason.


Actually, I think you do a good job of making good things interesting. Someone in my bookclub asked one time why we read so much depressing stuff. I thought about it and decided because most of the time, good things, aren't very interesting. Some of my best writing has been when I've been upset or unhappy about something, but I too try to look on the happy side of life.


Just keep on with what yer doin'. I think it's fine.


What's the matter with looking at the positive. It's so important. Even though I do a bit of complaining on my own blog, I have realized that the positive always out weighs the negative.
Since you posted a while back about taking stock in the beauty of life I have been making an effort to do just that in a more concious way. This summer has been crazy seems my life has been just out of control, but I can always find something more positive to focus on. Let me tell you if I wasn't focusing on the positive I may have lost it by now! So I am looking forward to fall, and newness!
So I said all that to say, your on a mission. You may not have realized it, but your writing is inspiring atleast one person ME, isn't that enough?


I have been reading your blog for quite sometime and thoroughly enjoy it! Don't change a thing! Your life if very different from mine and I like your blog for that reason. Why dwell on the negative when you do have a lot of blessings to count. Besides, Alex's grin is guaranteed to make me grin too!


I'm so glad you've written this...

I've made a real effort - and a promise to my family, to make my blog a positive experience.
I just feel that it's not the place to whine or moan and putting my thoughts out there while keeping things positive has been a wonderful exercise in seeing the good.

And that's why I like reading here too.

Jörgen Lindström

Yours is the only blog I read, actually, and I'm addicted to it. Love your observations and snapshots from your life, your humour and of course your beautiful photos. You're fine and your blog is fine. Okay?


I enjoy visiting your blog and come here for the positive vibes. Keep up the good work.


I agree completely. Of all the blogs I read, yours is the only one I can count on to make me smile. And that's smiling in a "She focuses on the positive, so I'll appreciate how wonderful my life is, too" kind of way, not smiling in a "Wow, her life sucks, I'm glad my life is better" kind of way. Thanks.

Girl con Queso

I love it. And I love me my chookooloonks. Keep it up, my friend. Keep pointing out the good.


I really think we could all learn a valuable lesson from you. Just think if we all approached our lives that way, how much brighter the world would be.


My father died, my husband is in danger of
being downsized, and the co-owners of the company I work at are divorcing. Never mind the world stage: politics, Katrina, Rawanda, Korea... etc., etc.
Family, love, health ...all good. My point? Between my 7 mo. old grandson's big, goofy grin and Alex's high wattage smile...what can I say? And when I'm trudging through the snow later this year, I'm gonna visit Trinidad on your blog!


I'll be honest-sometimes one of the brightest spots of my day is logging on to your blog and seeing Alex's smiling face.

That daughter of yours can instantly turn what would be a bad day around.

My best friend reads you as well, and also loves the Alex pics, especially since she's due to give birth to her own child in March. We hope her child is just as precious and precocious. (Oh, and Marcus is pretty easy on the eyes as well!)

Also, since I'm at the beginning of my Adoption journey, your blog will be a great resource to me, and also a reminder of how fabulous our family will be when our child is placed with us.


That, my friend, is why I LOVE your blog!


My newsreader is in alpha order, but everytime I check, I read yours first even though its not first... exactly because it is the way it is!

Loved that site with the kids pics, I joined the group.

thanks for the smile.


I think that's why I keep reading...because your blog tends to be positive and uplifting. Always interesting. Write on. Also, I love the photos.

Lady M

That's why I like reading your blog - seeing and reading about beautiful people and things! Not to say that I mind reading about down days, but it's good to remember the positive, and you do it wonderfully.

Can't remember if I've commented before or not, so this may be a repeat: It was nice to meet you in person at BlogHer, just for a moment. We were with Mir as she was exclaiming about the great deal she got on her computer bag.

karen t

Glad you wrote this. Can I play devil's advocate and say that maybe some people prefer to use their blog as an outlet for the negativity. Perhaps it is cathartic for them. Why do people want to read those blogs? I don't think its just a case of 'misery loves company' or feeling better because somebody's life is worse than their own.People read about the ups and downs of others for all sorts of reasons -shared experience, feeling understood etc. As it goes I happen to be firmly in the 'positive' camp both in my daily life and in the blogs I choose to read. I don't stand next to catty moaners at the school gate and I don't read gloomy blogs.I think that what I love most about your blog Karen is that it is beautiful. I find it inspiring, genuine, warm-hearted and interesting but just really really beautiful.


My dear, joy is an option.

Some people have a harder time realising that.
Keep writing, just the way you are.



Hi Karen,

I have to admit that I was inspired by your blog in particular the entry on making an effort to think a positive thought every day, or was it every minute? I forget.

Anyway I decided to "ditch" my old blog, and started a new blog where I recorded something positive everyday. Even if all I could think of to be positive about was as "insignificant" as getting a new in-out tray at the office (but hey, I love my stationery).

It does make a difference. I'm not so negative / pessimistic about life, and guess what, I'm enjoying myself everyday more!

Long story short, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being so positive in this sea of internet negativity.

(P.S. I love Alex's smile!)

=) bunnygoeszen


Hooray for all the happy people!!

The only way this world is going to be a better place is if we all learn to look to the good rather than the bad!


I feel you. Sometimes, it is just not necessary to be a complainer and things can be bad enough without dwelling on the negative.

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