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alex's life book

  • In early 2006, I began creating a life book for my daughter, Alex. Click here for links to articles describing my experience.
  • And for those of you who are more digitally inclined, in late 2006, I recreated key pages of Alex's lifebook for an article I wrote for AlphaMom, using Scrapblog.

    You can see the final digital result (and leave comments, if you'd like!) here.

what's been on my nikon lately

  • And you can view my favourites here.

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My daughter loves me to sing that song also. But my Love Thursday this week is about a little boy hugging my son at a wedding.



I actually panicked upon reading that Alex was crying. She's lucky you were there to hold her in your arms and not mock her ...

Happy Love Thursday.


Mine is about a baby who only discovered chocolates now.


Happy Love Thursday! I LOVE the story. Mine for this week is about being thankful for what you have.


awww, poor kid.

my 2 yr old sometimes hangs out in the corridor after we put him to bed, just waiting for me to notice him and invite him into my bed!

here's mine http://adventures-in-motherhood.com/article/back-to-work-mom


I love your photos, as always. I'm the photographer in our family, too, so there are only a few pictures of all of us too. My husband and I eloped, and there were no pictures of the two of us together until we had been married for three years. Sad, very sad.

But the kids are well represented, including this week--a boy and his best friend. Happy Love Thursday!

The Wooden Porch

That is really sweet, Karen. I think about that when I hold my little girl sometimes too. Only I don't remember my mom being all snuggly with me.

Mine should be up soon. Blogger pending, of course. :-)


Daddy Forever

Love those PhotoBooth pictures. We have the same problem - there's very few pictures with all of us in the photo. Here's my first Thursday Love:

Sometimes Love Needs Recharging


I'll be posting mine first thing in the morning. (I just posted something else I'd like to leave on top, for a few hours anyway!)
Mary, mom to many


What a wonderful story. I love snuggling in bed together time, too.

Mine is about the love of books


What a sweet story!

Mine's up. It
s very different from last week, to be sure.


Much More Than A Mom

What a cool feature - I want a Mac!

Mine's up at:

and also

because it was time for a letter, but I really felt the need to share the video with anyone who hadn't seen it.

Oh well - never too much love, right?

Plain Jane Mom

Wow, you are a seriously great looking family! And now I have that fantastic song running through my head ;)


What a great story.

Mine today is about learning to love yourself:


Happy Love Thursday! (And Birthday to me!!)


Oh, that sweet, sweet story left me feeling all warm and yummy. Thank you so much for sharing it. And of course your photos are always magical.

Here is mine this week, a bit of a different kind of love story...




The Love For Something New!

Cute photos!! Love the story!


Forgot to add the link..



Awwwww, that is just so sweet!!!

You're such a good mommy!

Here's mine this week.




I remember getting worked into a bother as a kid about things like that. Poor Alex. Glad she had you to reassure her.

Ours is up. We've been off and on with weaning, and this week I'm reveling in the love of nursing, for as long as it lasts.





A very sweet love story indeed. Makes me want to sneak into the kids' rooms to kiss them and hug them. Almost. (I don't want to wake them up!)


I'm delurking...the sweetness of the photos and your story inspired me to finally write my own Love Thursday, though it's taking all my courage to post my link here as I'm a little intimidated by all the wonderful posts I've read tonight.

Pastormac's Ann

Your pictures are great!

Loved your sweet sweet story. Pure sweetness! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Here's my silly Love Thursday post for the week


karen t

Awww that was so lovely Karen!


What a wonderful story, i love picturing you and Alex together this way.

My love thursday post is about spending time together as a family. This time, we went to the farmer's market to get our Halloween pumpkins.


Happy Love Thursday!


Mary Jo

Love Thursday. So sweet.

Happy Love Thursday Everyone!!


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