October 2008

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alex's life book

  • In early 2006, I began creating a life book for my daughter, Alex. Click here for links to articles describing my experience.
  • And for those of you who are more digitally inclined, in late 2006, I recreated key pages of Alex's lifebook for an article I wrote for AlphaMom, using Scrapblog.

    You can see the final digital result (and leave comments, if you'd like!) here.

what's been on my nikon lately

  • And you can view my favourites here.

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This is nice. I've seen this on many Hindu and Bollywood movies. I will light a candle tonight. Thank you for this post.


I moved to Birmingham, England about 10 years ago right before Divali season. I was wonderful. There is a huge east Indian community there and every store, every house and every street was light up. I love that holiday.

I didn't realize that there was a large population of Hindu's in Trinidad... that brought back many memories...

Island Spice

Shubh Divali!! Tho I am not Hindu either .. I will be joining in. Celebrate our Diversity! I look forward to your photos..


What wonderful ideas. My mother is an artist and is so hard to find gifts for because she has everything she needs. There were some great ideas for things I'm sure she doesn't have. Thanks.


oh, what a lovely holiday! your lights look magical--i so love the glitter! lots of love to you and yours and thank you so much for these kind words.


Oh, how wonderful! Happy belated birthday to Marcus, and I hope he has great fun with the materials.

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