Okay, apparently my anti-malarial medication (which, so far, has made me nauseous, and the first day after I took it, made it difficult to see*) has clouded my faculties a bit; so much so, in fact, I've decided it's okay to give you some detail about what I'll be doing in Haiti. I know. I'm nuts like that.
As it happens, Wyclef Jean, of The Fugees fame, is Haitian, and he runs a foundation called Yele.org, an organization whose stated mission it is "to empower the people of Haiti and the Haitian diaspora to rebuild their nation" through combining "the power of music with the tools of development in the areas of education, health, environment and humanitarian assistance." You can read more about their projects here. Next week, in the small town of Jacmel in Haiti, and in conjunction with the Jacmel International Film Festival, Yele.org is hosting Yele Fest, which culminates in Wyclef's first concert in Haiti in 8 years, and is expected to draw a crowd of 50,000.
And my boss has asked me to fly to Haiti to cover the event. On camera. You know, for people to actually see.
I have to say that I'm approaching this with a mixture of fear and unbridled excitement. My fear is due, in part, from the fact that I have read very little that is flattering about Haiti (and the US Department of State isn't helping matters any), plus, I've never worked on camera before -- without a script anyway. I'm excited because I'm going to get to see a country that I otherwise would have never visited on my own, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in itself, never mind the fact that I may get to meet some amazing people in the process.
So, anyway, that's what I'm up to. Needless to say, I have tons to do before I leave on Tuesday, but I managed to get the first important thing out of the way today, by cutting about 2 pounds of hair off my head:
I call this "Haiti Hair." I figure by cutting it this short, there's little to no chance of the wind catching my hair and doing something inappropriate on-camera.
* Actually, the symptoms haven't been that bad so far. The worst, however, is that I have to take these things for four weeks after I get back, and since they could cause liver damage, I can't drink for the entire time that I'm taking them.
No drinking for 6 weeks.
Through the holidays, until 2007.
Pity me.
Enjoy ya trip :) BTW, have you seen "Dave Chappelles Block Party" if not, it has Wyclef on there getting interviewed & talking with some highschool students about education etc. I love the Fugee's, have lots of fun jamming to Wyclef!
Posted by: trini fan | Friday, November 24, 2006 at 07:26 PM
I do pity you a bit for the no drinking during the holidays. I envy you a lot though because I love Wyclef Jean!
Posted by: Bethany | Friday, November 24, 2006 at 09:17 PM
Ooh, no drinking until... ooh. Wyclef Jean. Ooh yes. I was in Haiti a few times in the 80's, while it was Baby Doc's playpen. It was simultaneously wonderful and awful. The corruption was overwhelming but the beauty indestructible. It is obviously a very different place now. I know only what I read in the newspapers. I really hope you'll have time to post from there. I am really curious to see what you see and I know I'm not the only one.
Posted by: thatsempresstoyou | Friday, November 24, 2006 at 10:29 PM
That is great. This is a wonderful organization. It got lots of worldwide attention when Angelina and Brad had their very first pictures taken with her looking pregnant on a trip to Haiti to visit Wyclef and his Yele Haiti organization. The picture that was broadcast around the world was of Angelina's bump w/ a Yele Haiti T shirt on... very media savvy.....
Love the hair.
Posted by: bek | Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 03:19 AM
I must say, very cool.
I'd also say that I'd drink FOR you these holidays but I'm allergic to just about every alcohol except tequila. Sigh. Actually, on the way home from Thanksgiving the other night, I thought to myself, "If I wasn't allergic, I'd drink a lot right now." Oh well.
Love the hair. A ton.
Posted by: Jenna | Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 10:26 AM
You said Wyclef, right? If you hadn't then maybe I would pity you for not being able to drink. But it's WYCLEF, my dear. WYCLEF.
I tease because I love. It's wonderful that you get to do this. Have a fabulous time. The hair looks wonderful. You're gorgeous.
Posted by: Mocha | Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 12:58 PM