When I began Chookooloonks back in early 2004, its sole purpose was to keep family and friends who lived all over the world up-to-date on how our adoption was going. Being as un-web-savvy as I was, I thought making the site private would result in it being far too difficult for them to find -- as far as I was concerned, the obvious reason to make the site public was so people who already knew about it could find it easier.
I know. It made no sense. And I clearly had no idea.
Anyway, as word seemed to get out about Chookooloonks, I remember it coming as quite a shock the first time someone I didn't know commented on the site. Good Lord, I thought, people are actually listening. And even though I found receiving the comments exhilarating, I also realized that I had to be very careful about how I used my words to ensure that my family's privacy wasn't breached, particularly Alex's. I never wanted her to look back and discover that I'd not respected her in some way, by publishing something on the web that she would end up regretting. I also rather quickly made a promise to myself that I would end Chookooloonks sometime before Alex's third birthday, in order to mitigate any chance of that happening. Picking her third birthday was admittedly sort of arbitrary: my earliest childhood memories are from when I was three years old, and I figured it made sense to stop when Alex was at or near a similar age.
Well, my little kumquats, her third birthday rapidly approaches, and lately I can't seem to shake the feeling that it's time to retire Chookooloonks -- at least in its current form. I've decided to replace the journal with a pure photoblog -- to keep my photography skills sharp -- but I'll no longer be updating my thoughts in this format, on a quasi-daily basis.
When I began this blog, I had no idea how much I'd love keeping the journal, considering that I've never been much of a "diary" person. It's pretty amazing how much creating Chookooloonks has helped me both personally and professionally, and as a result, I'm feeling very, very grateful. In particular, I owe thanks to:
- Heather for her doociality; also Megan, for tirelessly answering the neophyte questions of a total stranger ("What is this ... blog ... thing you do?") almost three years ago. It is because of both of them that I took the plunge.
- In no particular order: Tina, Irène, Mir, Jen, Andrea, Chris, Nancy, Kristin, Lisa, Georgia, Tonya, Attillah and Carmen, for extending your friendship beyond the comment boxes on our blogs. I'm better for knowing you. I mean this truly.
And of course, thanks to all of you who have visited here to share your thoughts, advice, encouragement, funny tales and touching stories. Thanks especially to those of you who've taken the time out of your day to e-mail me and let me know how much the site has touched you in some way. Your support has meant more to me than you could ever know or understand, and it's what makes doing this shockingly difficult. I hope you'll continue to visit me at the photoblog (in a few days, the URL http://www.chookooloonks.com will take you right to it), and if you do, I hope you'll leave a comment saying you were there.
Anyway, it's my sincere wish that you'll continue to find ways to express love, both on your sites and in your everyday lives. (For what it's worth, Irène and I will still be scouring your blogs for images for the Love is All Around site, and I'll keep adding names to the kind blogroll as long as you guys continue to show interest). I suspect that I'll continue Love Thursday in visual form on my new site, so, of course, feel free to continue to look for and share links to your images there (and the Love Thursday Flickr Pool) as well. Most importantly, however: I really hope you'll continue to be kind to each other.
Remember: love is the only rational act.

And with that: many, many blessings from our home to yours.
With love,
Karen, Marcus & Alexis